
IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer

IELTS Writing Task 2 (Band 8+ Sample Answer)

“Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”

Climate change poses a significant danger to life on our planet; however, there are those who suggest embracing it instead of taking measures to halt it. I strongly disagree this viewpoint as I am convinced that there is still an opportunity to address this problem and minimize humanity’s influence on the Earth’s climate. In this essay, I will talk on my reasons for why I object the above idea and give relevant examples to support my belief.

Various strategies exist for governments and individuals to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Governments can enact legislation to limit carbon dioxide emissions, including the implementation of “green taxes” on polluting activities such as driving and air travel. Additionally, investing in renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower is a practical approach. On an individual level, reducing environmental footprint can be achieved through improved energy efficiency, decreased air travel, and increased use of bicycles and public transportation. Civic engagement is crucial, as the public can influence government actions by electing politicians dedicated to addressing climate change rather than those indifferent to the issue.

Furthermore, opting for a passive stance of coexistence with climate change rather than implementing proactive measures is considered impractical, as it could lead to disastrous consequences. Failure to address even marginal increases in sea levels may result in catastrophic outcomes, particularly impacting nations with insufficient resources to protect low-lying regions. The repercussions include mass displacement, loss of residences and livelihoods, and forced migration to urban centers or other countries. Vulnerable coastal areas face heightened challenges, as inadequate protective measures against increased flooding can trigger large-scale homelessness and unemployment, fostering human suffering, disease, and famine. The incursion of displaced individuals into urban centers or across borders worsens global issues of homelessness and poverty. This marks the importance of taking proactive steps to address climate change and mitigate its potential devastating effects.

In summary, it is clear to me that the climate change needs to be addressed, and I hold an unorthodox viewpoint towards those who proclaim that adapting to its effects is a practicable solution.

Total Words: 344


As per the official band descriptors for IELTS Writing Task 2 (updated in May 2023), the following is how the essay is described at band 9.

Task Response

  • The prompt is appropriately addressed and explored in depth.
  • A clear and fully developed position is presented which directly answers the question/s.
  • Ideas are relevant, fully extended and well supported.
  • Any lapses in content or support are extremely rare.

Coherence & Cohesion

  • The message can be followed effortlessly.
  • Cohesion is used in such a way that it very rarely attracts attention.
  • Any lapses in coherence or cohesion are minimal.
  • Paragraphing is skillfully managed.

Lexical Resource

  • Full flexibility and precise use are widely evident.
  • A wide range of vocabulary is used accurately and appropriately with very natural and sophisticated control of lexical features.
  • Minor errors in spelling and word formation are extremely rare and have minimal impact on communication.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

  • A wide range of structures is used with full flexibility and control.
  • Punctuation and grammar are used appropriately throughout.
  • Minor errors are extremely rare and have minimal impact on communication.

Go to https://takeielts.britishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/ielts_writing_band_descriptors.pdf to access through the official IELTS Writing Band Descriptors. It is made available by the British Council which is one of the proud co-owners of IELTS.

How is the above sample essay at band 9?

Task Response

  • The prompt is fully addressed, and even the minor aspects of the language have been put into consideration and demonstrated in response.
  • My stance on whether to agree or disagree has been consistent and mentioned in the introduction and conclusion paragraphs with well explanation in both the body paragraphs without going off the topic.
  • The body paragraphs follow the standard requirements of an effective paragraph.
  • The ideas are sufficient enough the explain the prompt.

Coherence & Cohesion

  • The idea can be easily understood by the reader.
  • The reader does not need to put high amount of concentration to understand the ideas.
  • Every paragraph is designed with one central idea and developed to maturity.

Lexical Resource

  • All words and formation are as per the requirement of accurate sentence structures.
  • A wide range of vocabularies have been accurately and appropriately used.
  • There is no error in spelling or word formation.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

  • All three types of sentence structures can be observed; simple, compound and complex.
  • Punctuation and grammar are used accurately throughout the essay.
  • There is no error in sentence formation and grammar.

How to construct an effective IELTS Writing Task 2?

IELTS Writing Task 2 is an academic essay. Hence, all the formal rules and considerations need to be observed while crafting this writing. Therefore, contractions, abbreviations, slangs or irrelevant ideas do not have any space in Task 2.

If you would ask me how to craft an IELTS Writing Task 2, then I would say that you need to possess natural flexibility and subtlety of English language. Secondly, you should work on the format of an academic essay in respect to IELTS.

An effective and clear essay always has 3 body parts; Introduction, Body and Conclusion. The following is the format of IELTS Writing Task 2, which attributes majorly in two of the criteria of Band Descriptors; Task Response and Cohesion & Coherence.

Paragraph 1: Introduction

The introduction paragraph has to be able to introduce the whole writing. Hence, the very first sentence in this paragraph is the paraphrasing of the thesis statement from the question. The thesis statement needs to be paraphrased in order to let the examiner have the idea that you have understood the question well and you are ready to answer in your own language with personal and educational experiences.

Next, if you are asked to provide any opinion, you offer that. A simple addition of a word in the question can drastically change the way the response needs to be presented. For instance, if an adverb of intensity is asked in the question, like, ‘to what extent …’, you need to fulfill the particular task of addressing the adverb of intensity with words like, completely, totally, absolutely, and more. If you miss that, you will be taken as you did not respond the task completely. Another thing to bear in mind is how you put forward your opinion. As per the essence of IELTS, you have to select either of the sides; you either agree or you disagree, you cannot stay on the fences.

Subsequently, after providing your opinion, you need to showcase two main ideas which will act as the central themes for the body paragraphs. They need to be precise and clear. If your intention is to have more than two paragraphs then you may mention the third main idea too. It is strongly recommended to incorporate a complex sentence by integrating your opinion and the main ideas, if you can. The examiner will love to see how you construct a complex sentence.

Finally, you outline your complete essay. This particular sentence will give the structure to your essay as a whole. It is not mandatory to perform this particular task but Nepal’s outdated examiners take IELTS writing parallelly with templates, which is really disheartening.

Paragraph 2 and 3 (sometimes 4): Main Body Paragraphs

The literary idea of composing an effective paragraph comes into play whilst constructing the main body paragraphs in the IELTS Writing Task 2. An effective and comprehensive paragraph always contains a topic sentence, followed by developments and an example to provide legitimacy to the idea.

Writing a topic sentence is where most of the candidates fail at. But, fright not. A topic sentence is a normal sentence that is specific and has a clear objective. The main objective of a topic sentence is to enlighten the reader what the whole paragraph is going to be about. Hence, you cannot write a general sentence as your topic sentence. It should be precise and address the main idea right at the starting of the body paragraphs.

Then, some further paragraphs that help you to develop the main idea should be written. There is no certain idea on how many sentences should you write in the main body paragraph. When you feel like the idea is matured and well explained you move forward to the next requirement of an effective paragraph, i.e., example.

In the question, it is well mentioned that your example should be relevant and should derive from your knowledge or experience. Don’t try explaining the example in detail.

Paragraph 4: Conclusion

The final paragraph acts as the summary of the whole essay. Henceforth, you need to restate your opinion. You cannot alter your opinion here. You have to mention the very position that you have mentioned in the first paragraph. Next, you need to summarise the two main ideas using the paraphrasing skill.

As a whole, your effective IELTS Writing Task 2 is composed in the following structure:

P1: Introduction

  • Paraphrasing
  • Opinion (If asked)
  • Two main ideas
  • Outlining the essay

P2: Main Body Paragraph 1

  • Topic Sentence
  • Logical Reasoning Sentences
  • Example

P3: Main Body Paragraph 2

  • Topic Sentence
  • Logical Reasoning Sentences
  • Example

P4: Conclusion

  • Restate your opinion/ position
  • Summarise main ideas


Suroj Moktan Tamang
IELTS Incharge
International Career Counselling Centre- ICCC

Suroj Moktan Tamang
IELTS Incharge
International Career Counselling Centre- ICCC

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