Scholarship for Nepalese Student in Canada

The Canadian government and universities offer a wide range of grants and scholarships for Nepalese students who wish to pursue higher education in Canada. These scholarship programs allow students to focus on their studies. Now, here are some of the most popular scholarships for Nepalese students in Canada.

There are plenty of scholarships in Canada that are offered by Canadian universities and the government for Nepalese students. The sole purpose of these scholarships is to enable students from Nepali to overcome financial limitations in the quest for their academic careers. If you’re a Nepalese student that has been searching for a Canadian scholarship, here are the lists of the top 5 scholarships that you should apply for.

International Career Counseling Center Kamaladi helps you to provide complete information about scholarships in Canada so that you can study in top universities in Canada.

Ontario Graduate Scholarship

This program is awarded to students of participating post-secondary institutions in Canada. Nepalese students must have a valid visa or student permit and accept a scholarship offer from a participating university in Ontario. The scholarship amount depends on the study program’s level and duration, but students can expect to receive around $10,000 to $15,000.

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

Doctoral students who are enrolled in a doctoral degree or joint MA and PhD degree at a Canadian university can apply for this scholarship program. Students can receive around $50,000 every year for 3 years.

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H.Y Louie & Lohn Entrance Awards

Apart from helping students with financial constraints to accessing university education, H.Y Louie & Lohn Entrance Awards is also given to solid volunteer experience advancing to University after completion of secondary school. To qualify for the scholarship, solid volunteers should have not less than 80 percent for the faculty they intend to join. Simon Fraser University’s scholarship comes in three different ways. First, host or eligible nationality scholarship that mainly offers a scholarship for Nepalese students that want to study in Canada although other international students can also apply. Secondly, there’s a Level Scholarship that’s available for any undergraduate degree program at Simon Fraser University. Lastly, there’s a Scholarship Worth, a partial scholarship that will see students get $5000 that’ll cover two terms. The deadline for this year’s H.Y Louie & Lohn Entrance Awards was on April 30, 2020.

Quest University Scholarships 

These scholarships will be given to Nepalese students that are interested in pursuing a graduate degree at Quest University. It should be noted that this scholarship is not limited to Nepalese students alone. This means that other international students from the unstable financial background can also apply for the scholarship. Like H.Y Louie & Lohn Entrance Awards, there’s Host Nationality Scholarship that’s open to all international students that are ready to study at Quest University. Also, you’ll have the opportunity to study for any undergraduate degree programs at Quest University with a level scholarship. Scholarship Worth will see Nepalese students get partial funding ranging from $2000 to $10,000 annually. The deadline for applying for this scholarship varies depending on the university’s decision.

York University’s VISTA Masters Scholarships

These scholarships will suit Nepalese students that wish to study Master’s degree program at York University. However, this does not mean that students from other countries aren’t allowed to apply for scholarships. The scholarship is open to all international students that want to study at York University. Different from Quest University Scholarship, Field scholarship at York University is only available for students that want to study Master’s degree program in the field of choice. Moreover, there’s a partially funded scholarship that allows students to CAD 10,000 annually for two years.

The University of Alberta Scholarships

Nepalese students that are qualified to study Post-Doctoral degree at the University of Alberta can apply for this scholarship. Its host scholarship is available to all international students, including those from Nepal. You can study both Masters’s and Ph.D. degree programs in the field of your choice by going for a level scholarship.

UBC Vantage College Awards

This is the best scholarship for students with a strong academic foundation suffering from different financial challenges. To qualify for this scholarship, you’ll need to be nominated by your school or community. Scholarship Worth is fully funded and covers tuition fees, personal expenses together with other costs.

This scholarship is offered by the University of British Columbia. To qualify, the student must be nominated by any community or school member who wants to enroll in the Vantage One Program at Vantage College. The scholarship will pay for the student’s tuition fees and other expenses.

Affiliated Fellowships at UBC

Nepalese and international students with a first-class standing of at least 80% in the last 2 years of study at UBC can apply for this fellowship program. The scholarship is given to students who are studying a Ph.D. or Master’s degree in Pharmacy, Business Administration, Engineering and Management at UBC.

Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarships

This program is offered by Canadian universities and awards 15 scholarships to international students interested to enroll in a PhD research program in Canada. Students who are taking a Master’s degree can get as much as $60,000 every year for 3 years.

Quebec Provincial Government Scholarship

Nepalese students who are studying a Ph.D. or Master’s degree in Quebec can apply for this scholarship. Applications are assessed on their own merit.

University of Alberta Scholarships

Nepalese and other international students can apply for a scholarship to pursue a Ph.D. or Master’s degree at the University of Alberta. The scholarship program is partially funded, so students can get up to $17,000 every year. It will also pay for non-instructional fees. The scholarships are offered in the form of Country-Specific, General UG Entrance, Sponsored Student and Athletics Scholarships.

Ontario Trillium Scholarship

International students who want to pursue Ph.D. studies can apply for the Ontario Trillium Scholarship. Students can get up to $40,000 yearly from this program. The best thing about the OTS program is that it’s renewable for 4 years. Seventy-five scholarships are given every year.

Global Affairs International Scholarship Opportunities for Non-Canadians

The amount of scholarship depends on the level and duration of study. Students can receive between $7,200 and 14,700 throughout the scholarship program. The eligibility requirements are usually provided by both private universities and government.

Whether you are enrolled in a Master’s or Bachelor’s degree program, you can find many scholarship programs in Canada. Most scholarships require students to maintain good academic scores, but the rewards are worth it because you don’t need to worry about earning your fees.


Canada is one of the countries that have well-established university education around the continent. Nepalese students without financial muscles can get an opportunity to pursue their academic careers in Canada by applying for several scholarship programs that are offered by different universities. These scholarships range from fully-funding to partial funding.

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